Showroom Balloons
                Minimum Orders
Minimum orders required for free doorstep balloon filling.

North Surrey $25

Coquitlam (South of Austin Ave), City of Langley, New Westminster  $50
North Delta, South Surrey, White Rock $50
Order under $50 add $5 For Delivery

Burnaby, Coquitlam (North of Austin Ave), Langley Township $75
 Port Coquitlam, Richmond, South Delta $75
 Order $75-$50 add $5, Order under $50 add $10 For Delivery

Vancouver and all other lower mainland municipalities $100
Order $100-$75 add $5, Order $75-$50 add $10, Order under $50 add $15 For Delivery

Please Contact us if you are interested in placing an order smaller than these minimums. We will make every attempt to combine your order with other clients in your area to avoid delivery charges.

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